Communication & Brand

  • How does my brand position itself in the competitive environment?
  • How is the brand perceived by my customers?
  • Does the brand clearly differentiate itself from the competition?
  • How and to what extent does my advertising material work?
  • Does the communication pay for my brand?

The key to a successful brand strategy lies in the target-oriented answering of these and other questions.

Together with you, we develop individual solutions, be it to optimise your communication activities, to strengthen your brand image or to clearly differentiate your brand from the competition.

  • Brand positioning

    Brand positioning

    The brand is the unmistakable character of an offering and conveys a clear orientation for the consumer. On the one hand brands stand for philosophy and product worlds and on the other hand for strength, innovation and sustainability. Where does your brand stand and where should it compete? Conquer your territory - we'll tell you how.

  • Brand and image tracking

    Brand and image tracking

    The management of a brand requires permanent attention and deep knowledge about the impact of communication measures on image and brand. Therefore, tracking instruments that give you immediate and trend-setting information about the current situation are more urgent than ever. Coupled with the appropriate reporting tools, we provide you with navigation and decision-making tools for communication and marketing.

  • Media usage

    Media usage

    An effective media strategy must reflect the particularities and complexity of today's media use: how do the target groups move in analogue and digital media and offerings? What influence do opinion platforms, price comparison sites, influencers and the daily newspaper have? What is the ideal mix of media and content for your (potential) clientele and at what point are the purchasing decisions made? We find out.

  • Social Media listening

    Social Media listening

    The social media are constantly talking about brands and products - including yours. It is important to identify the changes in communication and implement them in measures to either anticipate a positive trend better or to cushion possible negative consequences for your brand. Social media listening can be used concretely to immerse yourself in a direct dialogue, to inquire concretely and to work out the optimization.

  • Communication optimisation

    Communication optimisation

    The goal of communication is to influence attitudes and behaviour such as purchase, public approval or recommendation. We analyse the entire communication of your organisation on the basis of decisive indicators with regard to the intended effect. In addition to the relevant insights for the optimisation of your individual communication measures, we also provide information on the control and weighting of the measures and thus on the efficient use of your budget.

  • M&A effect

    M&A effect

    Mergers & acquisitions are not only takeover processes, but also complex sociological, economic and social phenomena that should ideally be anticipated early on. How should organizational cultures be aligned in the process, how should value-creating human resources (e.g. R&D) be integrated into new work contexts, and what communication requirements must be met both internally and externally? In this dynamic process, it is always important to sound out the mood precisely and with foresight.

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