Innovations & Products
- Are you faced with the challenge of identifying the needs of your customers?
- Do you want to successfully position new products?
- Do you want to further differentiate your existing product portfolio in order to differentiate yourself from the competition?
- Are you looking for innovations that will give your company a head start?
With our solutions and many years of experience, we have been able to realise numerous design developments, product configurations and product placements, from the initial idea to the development of use cases and the determination of prices for specific target groups.

- Ideation process and idea development
Ideation process and idea development
Product and service ideas can be developed in a structured way, refined and concretized up to the development of prototypes within the framework of creative research approaches. Let us clarify where the central promises of the products or services to be developed lie. And when these have to be fulfilled.
- Baseline studies
Baseline studies
A baseline study is the ideal access to topics in the company that have so far been little or hardly known. With our expertise in combining qualitative and quantitative methods, we develop the optimal study design to comprehensively research a topic and gain fundamental knowledge about the object of investigation. At the same time, our insights show the need for action for follow-up measures.
- Accompaniment of agile projects
Accompaniment of agile projects
Agile projects need fast and reliable information about future buyers, users and stakeholders: Exactly to the point - both temporally and thematically.
In order for you to be able to concentrate fully on further development, we create tailor-made insights that support you in your task. Always adapted to your individual requirements - context-sensitive.
- Identification of use cases and use stories
Identification of use cases and use stories
You have a product or a service idea, but do not know for whom it is suitable and how and with what motivation someone should accept your offer? What are the best stories (use cases) that your product pays for and to whom should you tell this story? These are central questions for product design and differentiation as well as for the communication and advertising of the product that we answer.
- Price strategy and price sensitivity
Price strategy and price sensitivity
Identifying optimal sales prices, exhausting the possibilities, but at the same time not overstretching the arc in pricing, offering fair prices and setting up target group-oriented price models - price research offers many facets. With the possibilities of a systematic price sensitivity analysis, which takes into account decision motives, demand structures, competitive knowledge and purchase-relevant factors, we create clarity in the pricing and the design for your product or service.
- Target group determination / segmentation
Target group determination / segmentation
For a targeted approach to consumers, e.g. through classical advertising measures, social media communication or networks, it is important to know the own target groups exactly and to address them in a differentiated way. In order to be able to respond concretely to the respective customer wishes, people are divided into homogeneous groups in segmentation procedures, e.g. according to their motivational structures. These groups with similar requirements and motivational structures for their products form the foundation for developing and implementing an effective market development.

rc integrates itself into your projects in a spirit of partnership - reliable, committed and value creating
Moving Insights
rc masters duty and choice of Insights projects - decisive for exploiting potentials
Agility and Flexibility
rc acts appropriately, flexibly and with foresight - ideal for agile companies
Dirk Helmold
Managing Director
- Telefon:
+49 521 55 777 110
- E-Mail:
- dirk.helmold @r-c-online.com
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Ingo Dammasch
- Telefon:
+49 521 55 777 123
- E-Mail:
- ingo.dammasch @r-c-online.com
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